Tuesday, December 9, 2008

We Love USU Basketball!!!

Since Bryan still has two more finals to study for, I decided I need to pick things up a bit, and add another post to our blog! One of the first things that came to mind was (of course!) Aggie Basketball. It is amazing. USU is awesome. And the games are so much fun! For those of you not from Logan, and have a distaste for the lack of sportsmanship from the crowd, well, I wish I could apologize. But I can't. The Aggies ROCK! And we know it! : )

Bry & I after the first game; we didn't take any pictures at the game...
The second game we went to was against Cal Poly (I think). The guy shooting in the picture below was a midget. That's what I decided anyway. Cause you totally have to be taller than that to play basketball! If you are any good anyway!
Bry and I at the second game - So fun!
So there is this one cheerleader that I wish would just go away. She has these huge, super fake-looking white teeth that stick out like a beaver's front teeth. I've been trying to get a picture of her, but it's kind of hard, as when she is facing us, she is usually jumping around, being annoying. But I mean, LOOK AT THOSE TEETH!! You can't tell me those are real. Otherwise, you'd have to be her, and let me pull on them... really hard.


m.a. said...

I have to admit that I hate basketball with a passion...but I like to see other people happy. I also love to read your blog. I'm glad you're enjoying the games. Hope you have a very happy Christmas!

Chase and Amy said...

I feel jipped cuz' I couldn't come watch the BYU game with you guys. Thanks for inviting us! :)