Sunday, November 9, 2008

Homecoming 2008!!!

So, I (Ali), have finally decided that I need to learn how this whole blogging thing works. Bry is usually the one to do it, but, due to his HUGE amount of homework, nothing new has been posted for a little while. So I'll mix it up a bit. I know it isn't going to be as exciting, but it'll have to do : ) After Bryan and I started dating, I would make small mentions of going to formal dances. Which never happened. He had some excuse about school dances being too expensive and such. I would have paid! I wanted to go to a formal dance with him SOOO bad! Oh well. That's something I just decided I would have to get over sooner or later. About a week before the homecoming dance, I mentioned something to Bryan about it. I don't think he realized how soon it was coming up. He told me that he wanted to go, and that it would be a lot of fun, since the only time we really have had a chance to dance was at our wedding reception. I'm kind of a brat sometimes, and just told him that no, we weren't going to go, and that I didn't want to go, and that it just wasn't going to happen. Little did I know that Bryan really did want to go. So I came home from work a day or two later to the flower plant that I told him I really liked, on the little table next to our front door, with our ticket to the homecoming dance sitting on top. I'm so happy that Bry has learned that a lot of the time when I say "no", I really mean "yes". He is learning SO quickly! ; ) After this wonderful event, I talked with my friend Elise Snow that I work with. (For those of you who don't know, her husband, John was roommates and friends with Bryan before they (and we) got married.) We planned to double, and go out to dinner beforehand. It was awesome! We went to Hamilton's, and enjoyed not only the good food, but the company, and looking all sorts of pretty and having people look at us.
John & Elise Snow
We then headed to the dance, which was actually rather fun, considering I don't know how to dance... at all. And I don't follow a lead very well either. Bryan will agree with me on that. After some fun live music, and some horrible singing in one of the rooms, we decided that we were exhausted, and headed home, not staying so Bryan could make me a true Aggie. Oh well. I'm pretty sure I'm okay with that. I'm an Aggie at heart : )


Curtis & Ashley said...

How fun!! You guys look great...Surprises are the best! :)

Anonymous said...

hey guys! your homecoming pictures are so fun! i also wanted to say congrats on (almost) a year down!

Chase and Amy said...

I really like your dress! We really need to hang out sometime! I feel bad that we always have stuff going on. :)