Wednesday, April 15, 2009

March Madness 2009

March was a fun and busy month! It is crazy that it is already over. My mom's cat, Jango, had his last lime-sulfur bath, and I got him a fun cone to try to get him not to chew on his tail, and keep bleeding everything. He wasn't a fan. Bryan tried to get some pictures, and this one is by far the best and the creepiest of them all. We also had a trip up to WA to bring him up to my mom, aka his mom. I love the picture I got in the car - he kept yowling, so I took him out for a little while. Then he yowled, and looked out the window, trying to figure out what was going on. It was rather entertaining.

Sadly, I didn't really get very many pictures while we were up in Spokane. I really wish I would have. I always plan on it, it just doesn't happen. I will share a couple that I took though. Bryan and I brought quite a snow storm! We were a little bit worried about being able to drive back home the next day. The poor robins also didn't know what to do about all the snow! My granparents' dog liked the snow though! Or at least she liked to have it all over her face. I'm not really sure which one. : )

Bryan cutting his first prime rib! Yay!

Spring cleaning started in March, and I have been having a hard time finishing it up. Our kitties made sure that they did what they could to help me while I was going through the two bedrooms. Apparently, Skye has "her chair", which was covered in her hair. It was actually rather gross. Mocha LOVES drawers, no matter what. So she really liked it when I pulled out my sweater drawer, as you can see from the picture.

Mocha also likes to go inside of our little entertainment center. I think she might like the warmth from stuff being on. Or she just likes to be inside because she usually can't get in there. Either way, she loves it. Bryan got probably my favorite picture of Chewie! He is just so cute (both of them are, you can pick which one you want that comment to be about)! I look forward to some day hopefully getting Chewie a good roommate.

I think one of the last major events of the month is that my dad and step-mom, Mindy, were able to go to China and pick up their second little girl, Kailan. She is such a doll! I can't wait until the day that we will get to meet her. I just hope that that day will come sooner than later!

March is over, which means springtime, right? Hmm...

1 comment:

m.a. said...

fun updates Ali! Glad your family is all well and congrats on your new little sister! Love the picture of the cat in the window - he looks like he has fangs - lol :)