Monday, January 11, 2010

September 2009

Looks like it's my turn to try and catch up a little bit more on our blog. Looks like we are up to September which had another great demolition derby (we wouldn't want to miss one!). As you can see from some of the pictures, you might be able to tell understand where all this bad air pollution in Cache Valley comes from!

Cole, our oldest nephew, turned 8 and was baptized. We made the trek up to Idaho Falls for the big day.

Here is a picture of Ali's sister Alyssa, husband Jeremy, and kids at the baptism. We stayed the weekend and the kids were a blast to spend time with. We gave them a sheet of Disney stickers, and as you can see, Parker really enjoyed them!

Ali's mom, Carla, was also down for Cole's baptism. As you can see below, she got herself a shima (Shitzu/Maltese) puppy and named her Xena. I can't say that she reminds me too much of a warrior princess...I'm thinking more along this lines of Ewok. Yup, definitely an Ewok.

Ali has gotten into the habbit of taking random awesome cloud pictures as we drive down the road. The first picture was just here in town, and the second was driving down the freeway on the way back from Idaho Falls. I must same, I'm quite impressed!

August 2009

August brought Bryan's birthday! He's up to 24 now! Almost a quarter of a century! Holy cow!

We adopted a robo dwarf hamster, and named him Gimli. I saw him at for free, and was afraid that he was going to end up being the meal for a snake. So Bryan let me get the adorable little guy! He's not tame at all, but he is adorable, and so funny to watch. Full grown, he is about 2 inches long.

August also brought a very exciting event! Our awesome friends, Ben and Christie, got married! They are so fun, and make such a great couple! We love them, and are so happy that they will be together forever : )

Bryan and I went to the Cache Valley Fair, and got some pictures of the displays. Of course Hyde Park ROCKS and had a sweet dragon! The other picture is made completely from different assortments of beans/grains of some sort. It was pretty cool!

My favorite vehicle and store! Hooker Appliance. Big and Friendly.

Bryan got his job at the Space Dynamics Lab just in time for their 50th Anniversary party! It was mainly focused towards children, and well, let's just say that we felt a little out of place. But they have a sweet pond with a fountain and lily pads that I got some pictures of. We also got to enjoy some yummy ice cream made from liquid nitrogen. Not going to lie. It was good! : )

Sunday, January 10, 2010

Time to Catch Up! Starting with July 2009

Fourth of July, Bryan and I went up to the USU stadium, and watched the fire works. They always have a great show, and the music is fun. We were cheap to pay for tickets, so we found a patch of grass outside, in the parking lot, hence the light in the bottom of the picture of the fireworks : ) The view wasn't the best, but it was still way fun, and we loved just spending the evening together.

Our nephew, Landon, had his birthday. We spent it at Leslie's parents' house, and had a great BBQ, and a fun cake. Landon enjoyed being outside, and getting a little bit dirty. : )

Opening a card, right before they broke out the cake. : ) Landon had his own version of eating it. Less dirty utensils!

I missed out on dad Hansen's 50th birthday party, but luckily Bryan was able to go and get a picture of him, and his amazing cake! I wish I wouldn't have missed it!

Chewie time! I love this boy! The picture of him in his tube made me laugh. Bryan poked him after to make sure he was still alive : )

Best day EVER! I LOVE Lucky Charms!