Thursday, August 14, 2008


We went to the Rodeo last Friday here in Logan and it was great fun. The first date that Ali and I went on after we officially started dating was actually to the rodeo, so it was fun to relive those memories.

The "Poker Match" to start the rodeo was great, they several guys sit at a card table while they let an angry bull loose. The last guy to stay sitting at the table would win $500. 00! It was funny to watch the guys try to stay sitting as the bull flipped the card table over, trampling and nearly goring them all in the process.

Here's a video of some bull riding.

After the rodeo we wandered around the fairground for a while. Ali absolutely loved all the animals, I think she was just about heartbroken that we couldn't buy a baby goat. This goat to the left was Molly, she was very content on not letting Ali take her picture.

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